International Promotion

Les thématiques abordées

France, #1st International Financial Hub in continental Europe

  • First in Europe in terms of AUM (funds and mandates)
  • At the forefront of innovation & sustainable finance
  • A profound ecosystem  housing some of the best financial research centres

Our missions

  • Promote France’s asset management internationally
  • Support AFG’s members development abroad
  • Help them distributing funds & services worldwide

AFG Export Club ; your gateway to cross border distribution

For AFG members only

  • Attend Country meetings and have access to Country profiles*
  • Understand market specificities: regulation, tax, distribution
  • Share information and experience with local experts

*+80 Tax, Costs & Country Profiles ; +30 Country Meetings

Latest articles

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L’AFG a échangé avec les représentants de l’ISA sur les spécificités des marchés financiers israéliens, le cadre règlementaire, les risques géopolitiques, la diversification…
AFG Export Club hosted its first meeting of 2024 at AFG’s office, on 27th Feb. 2024. Strongly supporting its members’…


benelux Evénement passé
Le jeudi 27 juin 2024, le Club Export de l’AFG a organisé une réunion pays consacrée aux différents pays du…
Jeudi 27 juin 2024
Auditorium AFG
flags of the nordic countries on flag poles against blue sky Evénement passé
Le jeudi 18 avril 2024, le Club Export de l’AFG a organisé une réunion pays consacrée aux différents pays nordiques…
Jeudi 18 avril 2024



Learn more about International Promotion

The strategic focus of AFG’s European and International Relations department is to promote French asset management abroad. From Paris and…
White Paper : Asset Management : Competitiveness of the Paris Financial Centre – June 2019 Go to White Paper :…